
Comparison of current Computing Systems, with autonomic computing (Autonomic Computing Vs Current Computing)

By reading this paper you can gain the knowledge about Autonomic Computing. I detailed it under the following sub topics.

 1.0 Introduction
 2.0 Why need Autonomic?
 3.0 Major Researches 
           3.1 Research projects in Autonomic computing.
           3.2 University research projects in autonomic computing
4.0 Four basic elements of autonomic computing
           4.4 self-protecting
           AutonomicComputing Vs Current Computing
5.0 Autonomic computing architecture
6.0. Autonomic computing today
           6.1. Initiatives of autonomic computing 
           6.2. Benefits
           6.3. Applications
7.0 What happen if does not have autonomic in the future?
8.0 Autonomic Computing Research Issues and Challenges
9.0 Future direction of Autonomic computing
10.0 Conclusion

Autonomic Computing Vs Current  Computing

Table 4.1 compares the four states of autonomic computing with how we manage today and what it will be like with full autonomic systems.

ConceptCurrent ComputingAutonomic Computing
Self-configurationCorporate data centers have multiple vendors and platforms.
Installing, configuring, and integrating systems is time-consuming and error prone
Automated configuration of components and systems follows high-level policies. Rest of system adjusts automatically and seamlessly2
Self-optimizationSystems have hundreds of manually set nonlinear tuning parameters, and their number increases with each releaseComponents and systems continually seek opportunities to improve their own performance and efficiency
Self-healingProblem determination in large, complex systems can take a team of programmers weeksSystem automatically detects, diagnoses, and repairs localized software and hardware problems
Self-protectionsDetection of and recovery from attacks and cascading failures is manualSystem automatically defends against malicious attacks or cascading failures. It uses early warning to anticipate and prevent systemwide failures