
Why need Autonomic Computing?

By reading this paper you can gain the knowledge about Autonomic Computing. I detailed it under the following sub topics.

1.0 Introduction
 2.0 Why need Autonomic?
 3.0 Major Researches 
           3.1 Research projects in Autonomic computing.
           3.2 University research projects in autonomic computing
4.0 Four basic elements of autonomic computing
           4.4 self-protecting
           AutonomicComputing Vs Current Computing
5.0 Autonomic computing architecture
6.0. Autonomic computing today
           6.1. Initiatives of autonomic computing 
           6.2. Benefits
           6.3. Applications
7.0 What happen if does not have autonomic in the future?
8.0 Autonomic Computing Research Issues and Challenges
9.0 Future direction of Autonomic computing
10.0 Conclusion

2.0 Why need Autonomic Computing?

In the evolution of humans and human society automation has always been the foundation for progress. If human can handle one of his needs automatically, then he has free mind and resources to concentrate on another task. So step by step he can get ability to concentrate on more complex problems. For example few of people worry about harvesting the grain to grind the flour to bake bread; other people even eat bread but do not worry about producing they can simply buy it at a nearby store. Therefore they have relaxed mind for do another job. Farmer’s also having the benefit of autonomic by using machines for their work. It causes to save their time and cost and also increase the amount of harvest get by unit of land.[7].

But computing systems have proved that evolution via automation also produces complexity as an unavoidable byproduct. Follow the evolution of computers from single machines to modular systems to personal computers networked with larger machines and an unmistakable pattern emerges. Compare with pervious machines incredible progress in almost every aspect of computing, for example microprocessor power up by a factor of 10,000, storage capacity by a factor of 45,000, communication speeds by a factor of 1,000,000 [7]. Along with that growth has become increasingly sophisticated architectures governed by software whose complexity now demands tens of millions of lines of code. Some operating environments weigh in at over 30 million lines of code created by over 4,000 programmers. [7]

In fact, the growing complexity of the IT infrastructure threatens to undermine the very benefits information technology aims to provide. Until now the computer systems relied mainly on human intervention and administration to manage this complexity. When considering about current rates of expansion, there will not be enough skilled IT people to keep the world’s computing systems running. Even in uncertain economic times, still have high demand for skilled IT workers.

Even if people could somehow come up with enough skilled people, the complexity is growing beyond human ability to manage it. As computing evolves, the overlapping connections, dependencies, and interacting applications call for administrative decision-making and responses faster than any human can deliver. Identifying root causes of failures becomes more difficult, while finding ways of increasing system efficiency generates problems with more variables than any human can hope to solve. Without new approaches, things will only get worse. To solve the problem people need computer systems with autonomic behavior.

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